Navigating the World of Natural Skincare

If you have ever walked into a cosmetic store, you are destined to be exposed to the ocean of products for various needs. Be it for hair care, skin care or any self-care requirement, while traversing from shelf to shelf in a store, even though getting a product you require is not guaranteed, one thing that is guaranteed is confusion and if you are unfortunate enough, chemicals. 

Modern cosmetic products are manufactured in a way to cultivate greater shelf life, contain artificial enhancers and are dedicated to boosting performance. In the process of chasing these parameters, what gets compromised is the natural qualities and organic benefits not to mention the natural glow. Hence what assumes greater importance nowadays is to carefully scrutinize the products we apply on our skin and hair as they can potentially do more damage than benefit.

Read along as we decrypt a perfect guide to select Skin Care Products that suit you the best with the absence of chemicals and additives.

  1. The ingredient list is the reflection of what the product contains. While skincare products might not contain a fully transparent list of their ingredients, with stringent standards enforced and by virtue of constant regulatory bodies monitoring, skincare brands and the alleged Best Products for Skin Care are now required to mention the ingredient list beforehand. Look out for harmful chemicals such as parabens and sulfates along with wax and added colors to protect your skin from any unintended damage. 

  1. Adidas, Abibas, and Adibas all pretty much look and sound the same in one go doesn't it? Well, this phenomenon is not only limited to sports brands, to say the least. With reputation predation and in the quest of generating greater sales, companies often leverage upon already prevalent brand names and sometimes add onto product graphic and spellings to dodge copyright infringements. Pay close attention to the spellings as you purchase skin care products for yourself or your loved ones, as the chances are the product you are investing your time and money in might be a copy of the products for skin care available in the market.

  1. Ever heard of a patch test? Well, tell you what, like every human, every skin type is different as well. Generally bifurcated into four categories oily, dry, sensitive and combination, one is required to select products that suit your skin the best. A patch test is the application of skin care products on a smaller skin area and then to observe whether your skin is susceptible to any allergy or reaction.

While skincare is a complicated science, selecting the right product is an even more cumbersome phenomenon. Follow the above-mentioned aspects next time you take a dive into the ocean of skin care products to ensure you get better with the passage of time. 



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